Our vision is for all women to harness the power of their Divine Balance. We teach women how to attain complete wellness through a formula of self love, reflection, support, movement, and personalized guidance. At Golden Pineapple Retreats, we believe that creating a fulfilling life is fully possible, when we honor our inner strength & power, and commit to implementing the lessons we learn.
Jamaica is a Sacred Place.
The waters of Jamaica are healing. The vibrance of the land is lifegiving. The Sunrise in Portland is enchanting. The Sunset in Negril, is ethereal. There is so much balance in the Horizon, and healing in the connection with the Sea. To be able to immerse yourself in the Carribean sea, float effortlessly on the surface, and watch as the sun paints the sky every shade of pink, purple, and orange, is truly humbling and grounding. The relaxation, clarity, and Oneness freely given by this Sacred land is unmatched, and like nothing many have experienced before. The centering and connection to the Divine that comes from surrendering to the surface, while witnessing the sun etch evidence of it's fading presence, is so powerfully Mystic.
The Majesty of the moon, the sparkle of the stars on a clear night, and the greatness of the infinite sky...Pure Magic to behold. Even the sound of the night is a lullaby if you listen.
Jamaica is a Sacred Place.
The Love of family and culture, the delectable food made with time and care, and the vast beauty of this "likkle" island, is Priceless Energy. Massive Energy.
Iris, Golden Pineapple Retreats' founder, discovered her own connection to the island in 2012. Every visit that followed, nourished that connection, and Jamaica became more a second home. Her love for the island continued to grow and she officially began her relocation in 2020. She has experienced life in 3 Parishes, driven the entirety of the coast and explored inland, yet still, there are so many places she longs to see. She has witnessed spaces that look like paintings, seemingly unreal. Allow Iris to share what she has found in "The Land of Wood and Wata" with Golden Pineapple Retreats. Join her in the Sunshine and bask in the Divine Light.